
Is there away to check two facebook accounts with one app?

If you have the Messenger app on your phone. You can go into settings and set it up to switch between accounts.

Switch between different Facebook accounts

Go to facebook.com on a computer. · Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. · Click See all profiles. · Click Switch accounts. · Click the account ...

Switch between different Facebook accounts

To switch accounts on an app or mobile device, log out of an account and then log in with a different account.

Can I have multiple Facebook accounts in 2023?

Every phone number and IP has a limitation on how many Facebook accounts you can create. You can only create no more than 5 accounts with the same phone number.

How to change which account is your main account on Facebook

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't allow us to designate a main account. However, you can easily switch between accounts you've logged into on the Facebook app ...

how to switch facebook account : rSkyChildrenOfLight

At the start-up screen, pick facebook and it should ask if you would like to use a certain account (which should be the wrong one). There should ...

Messenger won't let me switch between my main account ...

So I manage a couple Facebook pages and it won't let me switch accounts on messenger to reply to the messages coming in.

How to Switch Facebook Accounts On PC (New Update)

Learn how to switch between Facebook accounts on your PC with the latest update. This simple step-by-step guide will show you how to easily ...

How To Add Another Account on Facebook (Switch Profiles)

In this guide, we'll show you how to set up multiple Facebook accounts and switch between them seamlessly, all from one device ... TigerVX•83K ...


IfyouhavetheMessengerapponyourphone.Youcangointosettingsandsetituptoswitchbetweenaccounts.,Gotofacebook.comonacomputer.·ClickyourprofilepictureinthetoprightofFacebook.·ClickSeeallprofiles.·ClickSwitchaccounts.·Clicktheaccount ...,Toswitchaccountsonanappormobiledevice,logoutofanaccountandthenloginwithadifferentaccount.,EveryphonenumberandIPhasalimitationonhowmanyFacebookaccountsyoucancreate.You...